
Why pursue a career in nature management and conservation?

The management and protection of nature is a process in which industries, companies and individuals are involved, precisely in order to protect and ensure the preservation of the various natural resources. However, the proliferation of polluting industrial activities in several regions of France has made it urgent and necessary to train young people capable of

What studies should I pursue to start my own business?

Creating a business is a wish that attracts more and more people. It may be possible to start a business, but not everyone can do it. The objective of a business in the broadest sense is to create wealth, through goods and services that meet the needs of individuals. There are different criteria to take

How to choose a business school?

What are the different criteria to take into account when applying to a business school? There are several to keep in mind and we have listed them in 5 tips to discover below. The training offer The programs of the numerous business schools are often similar, however they each have their own specificities. Indeed, if

Reasons to get a degree in Digital Marketing today

Digital marketing is a constantly evolving and challenging field; there’s always something new to learn. And if you work in an agency, you’ll always be working with different clients, which means you’ll probably never get bored. Many BTS, DUT, Licences or even Bachelors allow you to enter the web professions, and in various fields in

Une étudiante en BTS MCO (Ex BTS MUC) en alternance

The advantages of the BTS MCO (ex BTS MUC) in alternation

The BTS MCO, Operational Commercial Management (Ex BTS MUC), is in high demand by students. The objective of this BTS is to train students in the management of commercial units. This is a generalist training program, where the competition is particularly present, in order to stand out, the alternation is a good alternative. One of

Top 4 jobs you can do after a computer training

IT jobs are ranked among the highest paying in the world. With new technologies evolving every year, it’s no surprise that these roles are changing the job market of tomorrow. Here are 4 of the best jobs you could qualify for with a computer science degree. 1. The Full Stack Web Developer A full stack

Some tips for choosing a business school major

Business school courses are increasingly close to the business world. As a result, graduates generally find it easier to find a job, provided they choose their specialization carefully. But how can you recognize the type of training that suits you best? Here are some tips on how to find the right program for you. It

How to choose a business school in Paris?

Beyond its tourist and economic appeal, Paris is a major academic center in Europe. Indeed, the capital of France is home to some of the largest schools on the Old Continent with a very wide range of specialties. In this article, we attempt to answer a question that all students who aspire to follow a

BTS NDRC: new degree, new opportunities

The BTS NDRC is a training program that essentially aims to train salespeople and managers capable of managing all aspects of customer relations. This goes from prospecting to the development of customer loyalty. This diploma comes to replace from the start of the 2018 academic year the BTS NRC. What is the level required to

The BTS Assistant Manager for whom and what for?

Substitute for the BTS Assistant de Direction since 2008, the BTS Assistant de Manager (AM) trains multitasking assistants and collaborators who are very close to managers and better able to adapt to the needs of companies. They are also most often assistants to a team of workers. Focus on the training and its outlets. What