Human resources is an extremely dynamic field that offers a wide range of career opportunities. There is no shortage of training courses in human resources. They prepare professionals who are able to meet the needs of recruiters, particularly in terms of employee management, which contributes to the overall performance of the company. Generally, specialized schools and other training establishments offer their students the opportunity to follow a work-study program in order to facilitate their professional integration.
Work-study HR courses in France
The human resources department teams are responsible for many tasks, starting with the management of administrative activities, recruitment, monitoring the training plan, etc. To acquire all these skills, students can take part in a work-study program by choosing from a wide range of courses, from Bac +2 to Bac +6. Employees, in turn, can acquire new skills through continuing education, which will allow them to aspire to a better career development, as well as a better salary.
There are two types of HR training: training leading to a qualification recognized by employers, and training leading to a diploma recognized by the State. Throughout their training, students are prepared to take on different responsibilities, from managing recruitment, careers and training, to managing leave and absences, and employee pay, etc. The Human Resources department manager may also be required to carry out internal communication missions.
Some of the most coveted degrees for young people interested in pursuing a career in human resources include:
- BTS Assistant of Management SME-SMI ;
- BTS Assistant Manager ;
- BTS Management of Commercial Units;
- Bachelor in Human Resources ;
- Master in Human Resources ;
- Specialized Master in Human Resources;
- Executive MBA in Human Resources Management.

Why a work-study HR course in France?
Work-study programs have proven to be a key solution for the integration of young people into working life. In addition, the formula is supported, notably financially, by the public authorities, as part of the “1 young person, one solution” stimulus plan, which offers companies that take on work-study students the possibility of receiving hiring subsidies amounting to 8,000 euros/year. The advantages of work-study programs do not stop there, and there are many reasons to choose this formula for training in HR.
Thus, the fact of doing your training in human resources in alternation allows you to alternate periods of theoretical learning in the training institution and practical application in the company.
The in-company experience generally lasts at least 12 months. This period is long enough to allow the interns to take on important missions within the HR department. This allows them to measure the extent of the responsibilities that await them once they are recruited. This is also a real asset at the end of their training, since they will have acquired the skills that will enable them to make a difference on their CVs and to meet the real needs of recruiters in the field of human resources.
Lastly, the work-study program offers another major advantage, namely remuneration. Indeed, work-study students have the status of employees. They have the same rights and duties throughout their work-study period with the company. The remuneration allows them to become independent thanks to the salary, which represents a percentage of the minimum wage depending on their age, their level of study and the nature of the contract (apprenticeship or professionalization). In addition, the host company pays 100% of the training costs for the duration of the work-study contract.