The management and protection of nature is a process in which industries, companies and individuals are involved, precisely in order to protect and ensure the preservation of the various natural resources. However, the proliferation of polluting industrial activities in several regions of France has made it urgent and necessary to train young people capable of effectively leading and managing ecological projects, among other functions. More details in this article from the IET.
Which training to choose?
Nowadays, almost all the activities we carry out depend directly or indirectly on resources or services that come from the environment, such as food, water, solar energy, fresh air, among others.
Nevertheless, the current demographic rhythm, marked by the increase of the world population, has exerted a strong pressure on the environment, which has been at the origin of the creation of many fields and studies dedicated to the protection of nature and the rational use of ecological resources.
It is in this same framework that the bts gpn is part of, as a training spread over a period of two years, perfectly combining theory and practice, especially with 12 weeks of internships between the 1st and 2nd year and field trips. This curriculum aims to educate to the environment and sustainable development, as it aims to train to the rational development of spaces, taking into account the ecosystems.
What are the advantages of GPN training?
Among the advantages of training in nature management and protection (GPN) is the acquisition of academic and technical skills to understand and manage natural resources in a sustainable perspective. This is in addition to multidisciplinary skills and environmental project management.
Upon graduation, young people who have chosen this training will have the opportunity to occupy their positions in one of the following establishments:
- Design offices ;
- Nature reserves;
- Chambers of agriculture;
- Natural parks;
- Training centers;
- Municipalities and local authorities.
In this respect, the main missions of these gpn professionals are:
- The management of environmental quality;
- The development and monitoring of natural resource maintenance plans and sustainability programs;
- Environmental impact assessment;
- Research and teaching;
- Land use management.